Chris Quattro

Chris is Fontaine Fellow and graduate of the City and Regional Planning department at the Weitzman School of Design. Chris is also a 2023 recipient of the University’s Dr. Andy Binns Impact Award. Chris is an environmental justice researcher who looks at the implications of planning systems and regulatory law. Chris is also currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at Temple University, the Lead Land Development Researcher for a San Antonio-based law firm, and an appointee to the Yeadon Zoning Board. Prior to their engagement with the PhD program, Chrissy was the Director of City Planning and Development for the City Council of San Antonio (Texas), District 1. As Director, Chris oversaw the District’s zoning, infrastructure, comprehensive planning, housing, and capital projects. This also included oversight of special projects, including zoning reform and the 2017 Bond. Chris holds Masters and undergraduate degrees from institutions in the State University of New York system in Education, Administration, Business Management, and the Earth Sciences. Following graduation, they will join the Geography and Planning department at Appalachian State University as tenure-track faculty.