Christelle Salloum

Christelle is a Lebanese-Venezuelan designer who grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. She is in the process of obtaining her Master of Architecture at the Weitzman School of Design. My
rich cultural background has also played a huge role in every single one of her projects at Penn, where design intent was focused on a sense of community, and inspiration was derived from experiences beyond the typical understanding of architecture and space. Most recently, Christelle has utilized her design skills to renovate performance spaces and micro-businesses that were heavily affected by the 2020 explosion in Beirut, and hopes to continue diving into the realms of design for social impact. Prior to Penn, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in architecture at Lehigh University. As a freelancer, she has expanded her horizons and worked on projects in San Francisco, Beirut, Barcelona, Abu Dhabi, Doha, and Zhengzhou. She is a well-rounded designer with a passion for language, culture, and visual communication in all of its forms.