Shixin Zhao

Hi, my name is Shixin, and I am a master's student in Historic Preservation, specializing in Architectural Conservation. My fascination with preserving historical structures began during my undergraduate studies in architecture design. Since then, I have gained extensive hands-on experience and on-site conservation knowledge through internships and coursework at Penn. I also worked as a research fellow at the Center for Architectural Conservation, where I conducted documentation and building archaeology research on Frank Lloyd Wright's Midway Barn in Taliesin, Wisconsin. This opportunity inspired my graduation thesis, which centers on utilizing digital and 3D technologies to preserve historic buildings. I am intrigued by the potential of interdisciplinary collaborations between preservation, digital technologies, architecture, and archaeology to augment my skills. I hope to apply my knowledge and skills in architectural conservation and preservation design to promote sustainable and innovative approaches to historic preservation. Thank you for visiting my profile!