Tristan Earle Grupp

Tristan Grupp is focused on climate change planning and disaster preparedness. Tristan started his environmental planning work at McGill University, studying tropical deforestation and land cover change. His studies at Penn have expanded his outlook and approach.

This year, he attended and presented at the United Nations National Adaptation Planning Expo on measuring climate adaptation using remote sensing. In the academic year, Tristan has worked on climate finance of nature-based solutions, measured climate change adaptation, and used deep learning to segment trees in satellite imagery planted for anti-desertification efforts.

Outside of his studies, he conducted urban disaster risk analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa and was Perry World House graduate associate writing on climate finance.

He is fascinated by the complex problems presented by climate change. The spatial perspective of city planning is ideal for characterizing these knotty issues. Tristan is excited to apply his experience at Penn and Weitzman to his future work.