Hanna Stark

At age 3, while visiting Colonial Williamsburg, I was intrigued by the historical interpreters, inspiring an enduring fascination with historic places. This fascination grew over the years and resulted in me obtaining a B.A. in Architecture from Clemson University. This degree taught me necessary design skills as well as the fundamentals of architectural theory and history. Entering Penn's Historic Preservation program, I was eager to discover where my interests lay in the larger preservation field. Quickly, planning and policy enticed me. Interning with Preservation Austin and PennPraxis for the City of Detroit’s Planning and Development Department led me to recognize the importance of advocacy within local government to achieve preservation outcomes. My thesis focuses on Pennsylvania’s Elm Street program, an innovative statewide program that supports the revitalization of residential neighborhoods. I hope to use my knowledge of public policy to advocate for and support the preservation and revitalization of cities and neighborhoods.