Jazmin Raquel Diaz

My work and interests at Penn were motivated and inspired by the stories of migrant workers - their struggle and fight for liberation. My intention throughout my studies at Penn was to re-imagine "Planning" for my community. I questioned how conventional planning tools can be utilized at the intersection of grassroots organizing and reclaiming an economy and future built on values of solidarity and care.

As a Moelis Scholar, I served as a Research Assistant to Professors Lisa Servon and Domenic Vitiello. In collaboration with fellow classmates, we hosted a Cooperative Development workshop series with the Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance. Through the Donald. M. Payne International Development Fellowship, I interned as a Summer Fellow for U.S.Agency for International Development/Guatemala in their Economic Growth Office. The fellowship will lead towards a career as an Environment Foreign Service Officer for USAID following graduation.

Prior to graduate school, I worked as an organizer for a community-based organization in New York, supporting cooperative models driven by immigrant women and workforce development opportunities for day laborers.

It is my honor to dedicate this degree to Mamita (Maria Diaz).