City & Regional Planning

Planners’ skills are critical for solving the most vexing problems facing our world today. Worldwide, planners are managing the continuing migration to cities; working to upgrade slum housing, and finding practical solutions to problems of climate change and environmental degradation. Closer to home, planners are renewing and redesigning the nation's characterless suburbs; protecting vulnerable communities from the effects of the financial meltdown; and turning sustainability and resiliency from buzzwords into best practices.

Read a letter from the chair


The latest in City & Regional Planning

The 32nd Edition of ‘Panorama’

Explore the latest issue of Panorama, the annual student publication from the Department of City & Regional Planning, for work on social inequity, housing, transit, and climate change.

Learn about Urban Spatial Analytics

The one-year MUSA program combines coursework on GIS, spatial analysis, data science, statistics, R and python programming, data visualization and web-based mapping with world-class urban content coursework from across the University of Pennsylvania.

Meet the People of City & Regional Planning