Thesis: Alyson Rock

Thesis: Haoyi Shang

Duplicate of Opportunities & Resources

Below is a list of internships, fellowships, and jobs from firms and alumni across the country. For a more comprehensive list, please go to Handshake, Penn’s job and internship database. You can also join the Weitzman School of Design - Alumni, Students and Faculty LinkedIn group for opportunities. If you need help accessing content from a PDF below, please contact

End of Year Computing Info

Dear Weitzman students, 

As the end of the academic year approaches, we wanted to inform you of important information regarding your school accounts and other IT related information for the remainder of the year.   


I. Students graduating in May 


PennO365 Email 

PennO365 mailbox and Office licenses will automatically expire near the end of Summer 2023. 

Update on Microsoft Office 365 Web Apps Issue

Faculty, Staff and Students!


Microsoft is reporting that there has been progress in the issue with web apps and that the ability to view and access web apps has improved. They are continuing to monitor the issue to see if the problems are completely resolved.


-Weitzman ITS


Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 11:26 AM

Faculty, Staff and Students,


LARP 7040 Gouverneur

The Ibagué, Colombia Studio: Fostering Resilient Peripheral Landscapes

LARP 7020 Neises

Studio+: New Freedom District

LARP 7020 Pevzner

The Fire Studio: Wildfire, Forests, Jobs, & Carbon

LARP 7020 Pietrusko

Conspiracy as Method: Design Narratives of Environmental Governance

LARP 7010 Billingsley & Danahy

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