
Seizing the Opportunity: A Vision for CBD Tolling in New York City

Seizing the Opportunity was convened to advise the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and NYC Department of Transportation on the design and implementation of a new tolling program. The studio focused on strategies to ensure that the Central Business District Tolling Program(CBD Tolling) achieves its primary goal of revenue generation, as well as ways to pursue complementary benefits for the city and the broader metropolitan region.

Congestion has increased tremendously in recent years with an 80 percent increase in for-hire vehicle trips from 2013 - 2017 and the explosion of e-commerce, with more than 1.5 million packages delivered daily in 2019. Congestion is threatening economic activity with slower traffic, more crashes, and increased vehicle emissions. The studio team traveled to London for a weeklong charrette with congestion experts including representatives from London’s congestion charging program. The lessons learned were applied to New York’s unique context.

One of the most important considerations for CBD Tolling is the reallocation of street space that will be available with reduced congestion. Near-term recommendations call for the City and MTA to control this space through several initiatives: increase transit and bike share to provide transportation options and encourage commuters to switch from driving, manage curb use by encouraging alternative delivery windows and implementing fees for next-day deliveries, and extend the public realm to showcase visible program benefits by leveraging newly available space to create neighborhood amenities and iconic locales.

Read the studio book