Combinatory Campus: Sonshan Lake Science and Technology Convention Center
ARCH 701‐203
Radical Play
ARCH 704-206
Iconoclash / Architecture and Monument After 2020
ARCH 704-204
Thesis: Aaron Stone
Thesis Stone
Thesis: Julianna Cano
Thesis Cano
The Barn and Its Others
ARCH 704-202
Neural Pathologies
ARCH 701‐206
Organic Waste to Energy Recycling Center, Queens, NYC
ARCH 701‐207
Dissertation: Miranda E. Mote
Dissertation Mote
Contemporary Aesthetics of Concealment for Baltistan
ARCH 704-203
Material Agencies: Robotics & Design Lab I
ARCH 801 Saunders
Future Histories of the City
ARCH 701-205
ARCH 705-003
15 Minutes and Counting. A New Andy Warhol Museum for Tokyo. Japan
ARCH 705-002
Thesis: Rebecca Sibinga
Thesis Sibinga
Outside the Walls: The Transformation of Dawson Jail
ARCH 704-205
Saline Dreams 4*: Ecoinfrastructural Architecture (in an extraurban context)
ARCH 701‐204
Empty Architecture // New Hybrids
ARCH 701‐201
Calamity Library
ARCH 704-201
Architectures Doubled Models: Living Bridge London
ARCH 701‐209
Material Agencies: Robotics & Design Lab II
ARCH 802
Machinic inSites: Temporal Tailored Infill
ARCH 701‐208
EBD Research Studio: Where Do We Go From Here?
ARCH 709 Faircloth
Thesis: Natalia Revelo La Rotta
Thesis Revelo La Rotta
MSD-AAD UPS HUB, West SOHO New York City
ARCH 703
The Public Commons, Retroactive Worldbuilding
ARCH 701‐202
Innovative Mid-rise Timber: A Design Research In The Architecture Of The Force Flow Of Mass Timber Mid-rise Buildings
ARCH 705-001
The Great Climate Migration
ARCH 701-210 / LARP 701-401