Urban Spatial Analytics
Aging Level Prediction
CPLN 6800
Land Cover Prediction of Los Angeles in 2030
CPLN 6800
Evaluating and Forecasting for Philadelphia’s Bike Share Expansion
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
Precision Forecasts
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
Understanding the Relationship Between Infrastructure and Women’s Public Safety: A Case Study of New York City
CPLN 6800
SEPTA Debunched
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
Understanding and Forecasting the Community Impacts of Structure Fire
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
Forecasting Bus Transit Alternatives in El Paso, Texas
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
RATScreener: A Vermin Inspection Optimization Tool for Washington, DC
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
Spatial Prediction and Risk Factor Analysis of Bicycle Crashes in Washington, DC
CPLN 6800
Leveraging the Sonoran Desert's Hidden Water to Save Lives
CPLN 6800
Pedestrian Crash Risk Factors
MUSA 801CPLN 6800
MUSA 8010 / CPLN 7900
Traffic Risk Prediction for Children Pedestrians
CPLN 6800
Vegetation Impacts on the Spread of Wildfire in California
CPLN 6800