The focus of this foundation studio is to explore ways of recording and representing landscape - with an emphasis on material, space, rhythm and measure - through a range of drawings and constructions. The studio attempts to create a sensibility toward landscape where the act of surveying a site is as much an imaginative endeavor as is the crafting of an artifact or the construction of a path in a landscape. Emphasis is placed on visual and manual skills in two-dimensional and three-dimensional constructions (drawing, fabrications, model-making, etc.), while developing ways to "see" landscape. The studio is structured around the themes of wetness/dryness and enclosure/disclosure, and works with one or more sites in the Philadelphia region. In the past, the studio has focused on a territory around Martha's Furnace in the Pine Barrens, NJ; a part of the Meadowlands in northern NJ; an anthracite strip-mine in part of Pennsylvania's Appalachian Mountains; the Wissahickon Creek and the Schuylkill River Trail in
Philadelphia; and Great Falls in Paterson, NJ. Most recently, the studio has focused on a stretch of East Fairmount Park near the Brewerytown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Projects involve the making of pathways in these otherwise undesigned environments.
Refer to Penn Course Search for the official roster and details of courses offered in a particular term.