Cost of Attendance

Projected Budget for the 2024-2025 Academic Year (Fall and Spring)

Below is an estimated student budget for two semesters (nine months). If your program is longer or includes a summer semester, your costs will be higher. Please note that the living expense items—such as room and board, books and supplies, and miscellaneous—are estimated and your expenses will vary depending on your individual choices. Also keep in mind that tuition at the University of Pennsylvania is projected to increase every year.

Tuition Master's Degree Students $61,020
Tuition Doctoral Degree Students $43,174
General Fee $3,954
Clinical Fee $716
Housing $6,750 - $12,564
Meals $4,500 - $5,796
Books and Supplies
(varies depending on your program of study)
$2,500 - $4,000
Health Insurance $4,412
Personal Expenses $450 - $2,008

$864 - $1,062



The upper limit of the ranges listed above represents the maximum borrowing amount for domestic student loans. Students should set their own living expense budget based on their own preferences and choices in housing, but should be aware of the maximum allocated amount for loan borrowing purposes.

Please note that some programs may have higher costs for books and supplies, including printing, plotting, and fabrication. Student travel is a mandatory component for Architecture, City Planning, Historic Preservation, and Landscape Architecture and may lead to an increase in expenses. Students may request an increase in loan eligibility if they find their expenses to be higher than the projected budget. Requests for increased loan eligibility require documentation and are reviewed on a per-case basis by Penn’s Student Registration and Financial Services (SRFS) Office.

Tuition and Fees

Increases in tuition and general fees are determined each year by the University of Pennsylvania Board of Trustees. Other educational costs are assessed each year and combined with tuition to form the student budget for the academic year.


Many of our programs require that you own a computer. If eligible for Federal loans, a student may be permitted to take out an additional, one-time only loan to purchase a computer. 
Information about required computers and software >


Billing is handled by the University's Student Registration and Financial Services office. SRFS offers a wide range of payment options and has dedicated staff to assist our students with their financial needs.