Landscape Architecture

Rendering of a swamped landscape with huge geodesic dome with mountains in the background
Cin Yee Selina Cheah (MLA’22, CPLN’22), Nuoran Chen (MLA’22), and Larissa Whitney (MLA’22), from Studio VI: Pietrusko, Spring 2022
Cin Yee Selina Cheah (MLA’22, CPLN’22), Nuoran Chen (MLA’22), and Larissa Whitney (MLA’22), from Studio VI: Pietrusko, Spring 2022
Mrinalini Verma (MLA’21, MSD-EBD’21), from Studio V: M’Closkey, Fall 2021
Zicheng Zhao (MLA’24), from Studio II: M’Closkey, Spring 2022
Weijing Wang (MLA’24), from Studio I: Burkholder, Fall 2021
Yijia Xu (MLA’22), Zhimin Ma (MLA’22), from Studio III: Neises, Fall 2021
Rohan Lewis (MLA’22), from Studio V: M’Closkey, Fall 2021
Aaron Stone (MArch’21, MLA’21), from independent thesis: Burkholder / Fierro, Spring 2021
Rohan Lewis (MLA’22), Elliot Bullen (MLA’23), from Studio III: Neises, Fall 2021
An introduction to Landscape Architecture

Hear what our students have to say about the program in a video directed and edited by alum Joanna Karaman (BA'12, MArch'15, MLA'15) for Weitzman Admissions.

The latest in Landscape Architecture

Go Deeper

Explore Landscapes in Process, the Department of Landscape Architecture's annual publication of work undertaken in design studios, lectures and seminars as well as student awards and faculty news.

The Ian L. McHarg Center for Urbanism and Ecology

In the spirit of Ian McHarg’s renowned philosophy for “designing with nature,” The Center’s mission is to build on the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design’s position as a global leader in urban ecological design by bringing environmental and social scientists together with planners, designers, policy-makers, and communities to develop practical, innovative ways of improving the quality of life in the places most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.