Master of Science in Historic Preservation + Master of Landscape Architecture Dual-Degree


Total CUs for the Dual-Degree: 35

HSPV/MLA Program Requirements

    Optional Summer Institute 0
HSPV 5210 American Architecture or HSPV History Seminar 1
HSPV 6000 Documentation, Research, Recording I 2
HSPV 6010 Documentation, Research, Recording II 1
HSPV 6600 Theories of Historic Preservation (Fall) 0.5
HSPV 6610 Theories of Historic Preservation (Spring) 0.5
HSPV 7010  Preservation Studio 2
HSPV 7100 Thesis I 1
HSPV xxxx Elective I 1
HSPV xxxx Elective II 1
HSPV xxxx Elective III 1
HSPV xxxx Elective IV 1
    Historic Preservation Summer Internship 0
    HSPV-Only CUs: 12

LARP 5010 Studio I 2
LARP 5020 Studio II 2
LARP 6010 Studio III 2
LARP 6020 Studio IV 2
LARP 7010 or 7020  Studio V or Studio VI 2
LARP 7610  Urban Ecology (taken with 601) 1
LARP 5350  Theory I 1
LARP 5400  Theory II 1
LARP 5330  Media I 1
LARP 5420  Media II 1
LARP 5430 Media III 1
LARP 5110 Workshop I 1
LARP 5120 Workshop II 1
LARP 6110 Workshop III 1
LARP 6120 Workshop IV 1
  xxxx Elective 1
    MLA-Only CUs: 21

    Interdisciplinary Studio/Thesis* 2
    Joint CUs: 2


*In cases where there is not a relevant opportunity for an interdisciplinary studio, thesis, or final project, students will be required to submit one upper level course or studio project, taken in either department (or program) to advisors in both departments as evidence of an investigation simultaneously broaching topics in both disciplines. 

Note: Due to the special scheduling required for HSPV dual-degree students, in which there is an academic year that requires 5.5 CUs in one semester and 4.5 CUs in the other semester, no additional tuition charges are assessed for the 10 academic year CUs needed in this situation. However, students who choose to take more than 10 CUs will be subject to Weitzman’s regular overload tuition policies.