Billing Codes & Equitrac

Why does a Billing Code Window pop up?
  • If you are printing documents for a department, project, etc, you can enter the billing code
  • If left blank, it will be charged to your account by default
  • You can only print using billing codes that have been approved for your account
How to use Billing Codes
  1. If you cannot remember the billing code ID, press the magnifying glass to show available codes

  2. When the Billing Code window pops up, enter a billing code if you have one; othewise press OK to send the job to the printer.

  3.  After you print, a window will pop up with information about the job, including cost. Press Accept only if you want to print the job


Why/when to use billing codes?
  • Billing codes can be created for:
  • Printing that will be paid for by a department
  • A special project
  • By faculty/department coordinator request
  • To have a billing code created, send an email to, including the PennKey usernames of all users who should have access to the billing code.