Aaron Wunsch, an associate professor in the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, has received a Mellon Fellowship in Urban Landscape Studies from Dumbarton Oaks for his work on pre-Civil War cemeteries in Philadelphia.
Wunsch’s project is “Separate Sanctuaries: Philadelphia Rural Cemeteries Before the Civil War” and is intended to be part of a forthcoming book entitled Cemetery City. As a Fellow, Wunsch will spend time on the Washington, DC, campus of Dumbarton Oaks in the fall of 2020 to pursue his research.
Dumbarton Oaks is a Harvard University research institute, library, museum, and garden located in Washington, DC. It is one of the few institutions in the world with a program devoted to garden and landscape studies.
The Mellon Fellowships support research and scholarly programming on democracy and the urban landscape with particular attention to questions of race, identity, and difference.