Increased PennBox Notification Activity

Announcement Date
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 11:28

Faculty and staff,

Some of you reported to an increase in Box notifications over the weekend.  ISC determined the root cause of this this and addressed this Sunday afternoon. ISC sent out the following communication to schools and centers regarding this issue.



Subject: Increased PennBox Notification Activity

Over the weekend many users experienced an increase in their PennBox email notification activity. This was due to a file being shared with a group in PennBox that many users are a part of. Groups in PennBox are created based on Grouper Group permissions and are intended to mass share files with users based on their affiliations. The file in question, VPNDNSchangeworkstations.pdf, was shared with a group that contains active staff and faculty. During that time there were many users commenting on the file, asking to be removed from it. This was the reason for the increase in notifications. On Sunday at 5:20 pm, the group was removed from the file’s collaborator list. The users from that group should no longer have access to the file in their PennBox account. Box batches email notifications, so some of your users may have received delayed notifications for activity that occurred before that time, but they should not receive notifications for any new activity on the file.

The PennBox team is working towards a solution to minimize this issue in the future. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.