Miro is a digital “whiteboard”, essentially a blank canvas for sketching ideas and for collaboration. It also has a number of templates for various charts, maps, and other visuals. They have a webapp as well as desktop and mobile apps for use.
Getting Access
Students, please visit https://miro.com/education/ to learn more and apply for a free Education license. This allows you to build a team with up to 10 seats, and is available for 2-year usage with the ability to re-apply if needed.
For Faculty, ITS now has an Education Team license with 99 seats available currently. For more information or to request a license, please write to ithelp@design.upenn.edu and we will be happy to assist.
If you don't need all of the functionality of Miro, or would like an alternative that's part of PennO365 rather than creating a new Miro login, please visit https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-whiteboard/digital-whiteboard-app to learn more about Microsoft Whiteboard. Students and Faculty with a PennO365 email account should already have access to this resource.