XPS 103 Studio Projects

Architectural View:

Anime Key Visual, by Makoto Shinkai, Deep Color, Intricate, 8k resolution concept art, Natural Lighting, futuristic city with people looking at something green, futuristic space travel the city of tomorrow, with flying cars, in the style of ethereal foliage, white and green, maidcore, neo-plasticist

Designer View:

anime style, mood board for architectural materials and planting list images. --iw 2 --v 5.0

Final View:

From the perspective of a verdant canopy patio, look outwards to see a little girl in a white dress waving towards her father. The father is in a sleek, modern flying car, closer to the patio, his face visible and smiling, waving back through the transparent window. Surround them with the "Verdant Spires", high-rise treehouse buildings with a lush array of trees of various heights and sizes replacing the urban landscape. Capture a harmonious blend of nature, family connection, and futuristic urban living, with the morning sun casting a warm glow over the serene city.--aspect 16:9 --ar 16:9 --v 5.0 --stylize 500


Studio Project by 2024 Learner Yan Long

XPS 103 AI Basics for Architects and Designers