B.A., University of South Dakota
M.S., Columbia University
Principal at PlaceEconomics, a Washington, D.C.-based real estate and economic development-consulting firm. The firm provides services at the nexus of historic buildings and economic development. In 2004 established Heritage Strategies International to serve world-wide clients. Has worked in 49 States and more than 30 countries. International clients have included World Bank, UN Development Program, Council of Europe, Inter-American Development Bank, and National Trusts of Australia, Slovakia, and the UK. Serves on the Board of Directors of Global Urban Development and the Team of Specialists for Public-Private Partnerships for the UN Economic Commission for Europe. Received the 2008 G. Holmes Perkins Award for Distinguished Teaching.
Community Initiated Development (2004), Feasibility Assessment Manual for Reusing Historic Buildings (2006), and The Economics of Historic Preservation: A Community Leader's Guide (1996, 2005) which has been translated into Russian and Korean.