Hometown: Tema, Ghana Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Development Planning
How did you get interested in your field?
I grew up in a community in Tema (a neighboring city to Accra, Ghana) that transitioned from a planned neighborhood to an informal settlement due to rapid urbanization. My family, like many others, was exposed to adverse socio-economic and environmental conditions. This fueled my resolve to pursue a career in city planning in order to contribute to ensuring just and sustainable development of cities and regions. Over the years, my interest in the field of city planning has significantly increased, realizing that the rate of urbanization requires planners to effectively and efficiently guide cities into a just, sustainable, and resilient future.
What was your background prior to coming to Penn?
I studied Bachelor of Science in Development Planning at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. Through this program, I became acquainted with the planning processes in Ghana and was involved in many projects that mimicked these processes. I also developed an interest in academic research through the program.
Why did you choose Penn?
I was searching for an urban planning program that is very pragmatic and that was located in a city where there are significant advancements in the planning field as well as some pressing planning issues – thereby creating an interesting urban-laboratory to study and practice city planning. I gained admission to other top universities such as Columbia University and UNC Chapel Hill, however, the decision to come to Penn was made considerable easy after receiving a financial aid letter from Weitzman.
What has been your favorite class so far?
All the classes I have taken so far have been great. My favorite class during my first year was Studio I, though the most challenging. Now, Studio II is taking the first place. I love the studios because they are incredibly practical, and they provide the space to apply the skills and knowledge gained from other classes to real cases – thereby providing a reasonable taste of the planning profession.
What are you learning right now that will help you in the future?
I have honed many essential skills through this program including qualitative and quantitative analysis, geographical modeling, design, writing and presentation.
What do you like best about Philadelphia?
Philadelphia has become a nice home away from home. It was easy to find a community to hang out with even though I am an international student. Philadelphia, being a city of neighborhoods, provides the opportunity to experience other cultures which I find essential not only for my personal development but also to the planning profession.
What kinds of activities and/or organizations are you involved in?
I enjoy participating in the activities of the Philly Christian Students club and the Black at Weitzman club. Also, I recently got selected to participate in the 2024/2025 Perry World House Graduate Associate program.
What are your career ambitions?
I am currently pursuing a career in academia. I am passionate about academic research that closely influences policy actions towards the development of just, sustainable and resilient cities and regions. My research interests focus on promoting environmental sustainability through climate mitigation and adaptation.