May 12, 2023

At the Intersection of Art and Design, Masks That Empart Truth

Krzysztof Wodiczko seen through a glass window
"My colleagues and I were trained to infiltrate the authoritarian system and try to make it more human by working critically and analytically," says Krzysztof Wodiczko, a distinguished visiting professor of fine arts at Weitzman who grew up in Poland. (Photo Eric Sucar)
"My colleagues and I were trained to infiltrate the authoritarian system and try to make it more human by working critically and analytically," says Krzysztof Wodiczko, a distinguished visiting professor of fine arts at Weitzman who grew up in Poland. (Photo Eric Sucar)
Yuni Kim, a Master of Integrated Product Design student, was drawn to Wodiczko’s Spring 2023 course by "this concept of candid speech and the obligation to speak the truth for the benefit of everyone.” (Photo Eric Sucar)
Exhibited last year as one of the products of her undergraduate thesis, Kim's emoti candles were designed to melt "away your negative emotions." She explains, "I hope to build a community that feels more empowered over their emotional journeys, and to arrive at a place of self-acceptance."