Master of City Planning + Master of Social Work Dual-Degree

Dual degree students may be able to complete the MCP/MSW program in three years, but this depends on course scheduling and students may benefit from taking summer classes or adding additional time to the degree. Academic Advisors in both the MCP and MSW programs will collaborate to review course choices and create an individual academic plan for each dual-degree student.

Total CUs for the Dual-Degree: 28
Students completing the MCP/MSW dual-degree need 28 total CUs, plus two (2) MSW field placements and one (1) City Planning internship. Completed on their own, the MCP requires 18 CUs and the MSW requires 16 CUs. Note: a minimum of 15 course units are required within the MCP degree under the PAB accreditation.

MCP/MSW Program Requirements

CPLN 5000 City Planning History/Theory 1
CPLN 5010 Quantitative Planning Analysis 1
CPLN 5020 or 5090 Urban Development and Infrastructure Finance or Law of Planning 1
CPLN 5030 or 6320 Modeling Geographic Objects or TBA 1
CPLN 6000 Workshop 2
CPLN 7xxx Planning Studio 2
CPLN xxxx Concentration Course or Elective* 1
CPLN xxxx Concentration Course or Elective* 1
CPLN xxxx Concentration Course or Elective* 1
CPLN xxxx Concentration Course or Elective* 1
CPLN xxxx Elective 1
CPLN xxxx Elective 1
CPLN xxxx Elective 1
    City Planning Internship 0
    CPLN-Only CUs 15

SWRK 6010 History & Philosophy of Social Work and Social Welfare 1
SWRK 6020 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1
SWRK 6030 American Racism and Social Work Practice 1
SWRK 6040 Foundations of Social Work Practice I + Field Placement 1
SWRK 6140 Foundations of Social Work Practice II + Field Placement 1
SWRK 6150 Introduction to Social Work Research 1
SWRK 7040/7080 Advanced Clinical/Macro Social Work Practice I + Field Placement* 1  
SWRK 7140/7180 Advanced Clinical/Macro Social Work Practice II + Field Placement* 1
SWRK 7130 Understanding Social Change 1
SWRK 7xxx MSW Policy Option 1
SWRK 7600 or 7xxx MSW Practice Elective: Mental Health Diagnostics (clinical students) or Macro Elective (macro students) 1
SWRK xxxx MSW Elective #2 (must be taken at SP2, but can be in MSW, MSSP, or NPL) 1
SWRK xxxx MSW Elective #3 (must be taken at SP2, but can be in MSW, MSSP, or NPL) 1
    MSW-Only CUs: 13


*Refer to the CPLN concentration details in the Penn Catalog and/or the MCP program website for information about which and how many concentration courses are needed. Note: for the 2021-2022 Academic Year, the MCP program website supercedes the Penn Catalog if any details between the two sources do not align. For this reason, please be sure to reference the MCP program page.