“In Fall 2018, a group of ten graduate city planning students developed a suite of design and policy recommendations for the City of Philadelphia’s Vision Zero program. Vision Zero, a movement which began in Sweden in the late 1990s, advocates for eliminating traffic deaths on our roads. The City of Philadelphia adopted Vision Zero through an executive order from Mayor Kenney in 2016, and subsequently released its Three-Year Action Plan in September 2017. In the year since the release of the Three-Year Action Plan, the City of Philadelphia has made great strides towards meeting its goal of eliminating traffic deaths by 2030, but Philadelphia still has one of the highest rates of traffic deaths per capita of any of its peer cities. The Vision Zero Toolbox: People-Driven Strategies for Safer Philadelphia Streets aims to help decisionmakers at the local level prioritize the types of initiatives and projects which will achieve the greatest traffic safety benefit and ensure the success of Vision Zero Philadelphia.”