Within the span of one week, two members of the PennMFA Drawing Seminar will team up to produce a finished work. The following week, the entire collective will "intervene" in the finished works installed in the gallery by means of a democratic process. We will then unveil the works during an opening on Friday, April 24.
Please join us for the opening reception, 6 – 8 p.m in the Morgan Building Physical Lab (205 South 34th St.)!
On Monday, April 27, each individual within the collective will be given the right to make one final adjustment to a given piece within the gallery with absolutely no democratic control. Let the games begin.
Sarah Legow / Stephanie Elden Daniel Haun / Keenan Bennett Marianna Williams / Eunyoung Lee Shaina Gates / Richard Hogan Jacob Been / Daria McMeans Olivia Jones / Derek Rigby Matt Freedman, Drawing Boss
For more information, please contact PennDesign Graduate Fine Arts: mfa@design.upenn.edu or 215-898-8374.