Panopto - available to all full time Penn faculty, students, and staff
For faculty, students and staff who are interested in creating and managing video content, Panopto is a video creation and storage platform that integrates into Canvas. Panopto enables users to organize existing videos, record materials, perform inside-video searches, take quizzes, administer quizzes, and more. Read more on how to access the Panopto client on the web and how to install it on your computer here.
Uses for Panopto
The Panopto video management system makes it easy to share videos with your class through Canvas.
Panopto can be used in a variety of ways:
Automatic classroom recording. Some classrooms at Penn are outfitted with special capabilities that allow you to have your class sessions automatically recorded. For details, visit
Creating “screencast” videos using your own computer. With the Panopto Recorder software, you can record your voice, webcam, and on-screen activity. For example, you can record yourself giving a Powerpoint presentation or demonstrating how to use specialized software. Just about anything you do on your computer can be turned into a recorded presentation and published on your Canvas site.
Upload other videos. If you have film clips, audio recordings, or other media files, you can upload them to Panopto and share them with your classes through Canvas.
Student projects. You can create assignments in Canvas where students record and post their own videos.
Video is recorded locally on your computer via the Panopto software (Windows 10, Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.10+), as well as on smartphone Android and iOS devices
Panopto is accessible through Penn Canvas
Video files are uploaded directly to Canvas and can be used in addition to or in lieu of other assignment submission types.
Allows faculty and students to create, manage, and share asynchronous content for class discussion and other assignments.
Upload other videos - If you have film clips, audio recordings, or other media files, you can upload them to Panopto and share them with your classes through Canvas.
Student projects - You can create assignments in Canvas where students record and post their own videos.
Automatic classroom recording - Some classrooms at Penn are outfitted with special capabilities that allow you to have your class sessions automatically recorded. For the Weitzman School, only B1 supports automatic classroom recording. Read more here.