March 8, 2017

Capturing the Rail Park’s Neighborhood Identity

The Neighborhood Exchange Box visited the Chinatown neighborhood at the PCDC Chinatown Neighborhood Plan forum
The Neighborhood Exchange Box visited the Chinatown neighborhood at the PCDC Chinatown Neighborhood Plan forum,  February 28, 2017.
The Neighborhood Exchange Box visited the Chinatown neighborhood at the PCDC Chinatown Neighborhood Plan forum,  February 28, 2017.
Participants shared elements of community identity to share with other Philadelphia communities .
Next the Neighborhood Exchange Box visited the community event for the Asian Arts Initiative Cultural Plan on March 3, 2017.
Many ideas were accompanied by drawings that depicted the visual character of the neighborhood.
Participants included both Chinatown residents and the larger community.
Themes of food and culture recurred across responses.
The combined results of the Chinatown events were posted so all could visualize what others had written.