Women and the CCC

B&W photo of group of women having meeting around several tables
Image: Camp for unemployed women in Atlanta, Georgia, ca. July 1934; via: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library https://catalog.archives.gov/id/196584
Image: Camp for unemployed women in Atlanta, Georgia, ca. July 1934; via: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library https://catalog.archives.gov/id/196584
The swimming pool at an unemployed women’s camp in New Jersey, ca. July 1934; via: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library https://catalog.archives.gov/id/196587
Camp for Unemployed Girls in Douglas County, Nebraska, August 16, 1935; via: The Schlesinger History of Women in America Collection, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University https://library-artstor-org.proxy.library.upenn.edu/#/asset/SCHLES_130753006;prevRouteTS=1591830223520