Founded in 2006 in memory of Philadelphia's renowned urban planner, the Edmund N. Bacon awards annually recognize excellent student work focusing on an area in Philadelphia. This year's student competition, "Designing For an Equitable Future in Chinatown," asked students to elevate and prioritize low-income and LEP communities of Chinatown and leverage open space (parking lots, sidewalks, streets, and existing parks) to facilitate equitable development and neighborhood preservation.
Weitzman School of Design MCP students received first and second prizes for their proposals, reimagining the Chinatown neighborhood with an equitable future that continues to serve the existing community.
First Prize: "Equitable Paradise," by Qianyun Wei, Chris Xu, and Marcus Owens.
Second Prize: "Asian Cultural Corridor," by Hongyi Li, Jingyi Cai, and Shuting Li.
Awards were presented on March 14, 2023 at the Center for Architecture and Design in Philadelphia. Congratulations to the MCP students for their hard work and valuable contributions to reimagining Chinatown.