Metabolism of Urban Location

Travel Time and the Morphology of Cities

Diagram of Philadelphia region
Diagram of Philadelphia region illustrating the benefit received by two different locations, an exurban center, Norristown CBD, and a rural township, Bass River, NJ. Each receives some benefit from each of the other 1,378 census tracts, but the UME of Norristown is double its EAB, while that of Bass River is reduced to 70%.
Map of locational value
Locational value, UME/EAB, ratio of urban morpho-emergy to assets and inputs, showing that the pattern of urban value follows transportation networks.
Metabolism of Location
Metabolism of Location
Diagram of Philadelphia region illustrating the benefit received by two different locations, an exurban center, Norristown CBD, and a rural township, Bass River, NJ.

Diagram of Philadelphia region illustrating the benefit received by two different locations, an exurban center, Norristown CBD, and a rural township, Bass River, NJ. Each receives some benefit from each of the other 1,378 census tracts, but the UME of Norristown is double its EAB, while that of Bass River is reduced to 70%.

Map of Locational value

Locational value, UME/EAB, ratio of urban morpho-emergy to assets and inputs, showing that the pattern of urban value follows transportation networks.

Metabolism of Location

Metabolism of Location