December 18, 2023
Harnessing Ancient Materials and AI for Sustainable Architecture
By Laney Myers

MSD-RAS students Ecem Karaduman, Zai Shi, and Toto Tan at the mid-review for the Material Agencies studio (Photo Eric Sucar)
MSD-RAS students Ecem Karaduman, Zai Shi, and Toto Tan at the mid-review for the Material Agencies studio (Photo Eric Sucar)
Associate Professor of Architecture Andrew Saunders with students at the mid-review for his Material Agencies studio
MSD-RAS students prep for their studio's mid-review in October (Photo Eric Sucar)
Robinson Fredenthal's 1983 sculpture Black Forest on Penn's campus. The artist's work is documented in a collection at the Architectural Archives. (Photo Penn Facilities & Real Estate Services)
MSD-RAS students assembles their model inspired by Fredenthal's work in the Robotics Lab.
Offering a robust suite of milling, additive manufacturing, sheet-metal bending and hot-wire cutting tools, the Robotics Lab in Meyerson Hall brings together faculty and students across the Department of Architecture for studio-based work and funded research.