Weitzman students in the Departments of City & Regional Planning and Landscape Architecture won second place in the EPA Environmental Justice Video Challenge for Students.
Aminah McNulty (MCP'23, MLA'23), Jackson Plumlee (MLA'23, MCP'23), Allison Nkwocha (MLA'23, MSHP'23) partnered with Drexel University student Nina Valentine and the Eastwick United Community Development Corporation to create a strategy proposal and video titled Making Eastwick Whole that addresses the economic, social, and environmental needs of Philadelphia's Eastwick neighborhood.
The prize-winning video focuses specifically on the environmental justice issues of Eastwick, such as the recurring catastrophic flooding, and suggests community-centered solutions to better educate residents and provide them with much-needed resources. Making Eastwick Whole recommends using the vacant George Wharton Pepper School as a community hub to provide cultural and recreational programming to the community, and to establish a location for ongoing environmental justice education and monitoring.