Associate Professor of Architecture, Clemson University School of Architecture
Peter L. Laurence is Associate Professor of Architecture at Clemson University School of Architecture, where he teaches design studios, architecture history and theory courses, and elective courses in urban design history, theory, and practice. He holds a Master of Architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design (‘99) and PhD in Architecture from University of Pennsylvania (’09). Much of his research has focused on the life and ideas of the urban theorist Jane Jacobs and he is internationally known as a Jane Jacobs biographer. His other research interests include architecture pedagogy and intersections of architecture and urban design history and theory.
“Jane Jacobs and Dark Age America,” Essays on Jane Jacobs (Samhällsbyggandet son mysterium: Jane Jacobs idéer om människor, städer och ekonomier), Jesper Meijling and Tigran Haas, eds. Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press, 2018; Stockholm: Bokförlaget Stolpe, 2020.