In this excerpt of Strange Objects, New Solids and Massive Things: Archi-Tectonics (Actar Publishers, 2021), Winka Dubbeldam, Weitzman's Miller Professor and chair of architecture, details the creation of Inscape Wellness, a meditation space in New York City, which was designed by her award-winning architecture firm in 2018. The publication was designed by WeShouldDoItAll.
Dubbeldam describes the book as not a traditional monograph. "The book, as manual, was conceived itself as a Strange Object reflecting the non-standard way the firm’s projects come into being. WSDIA’s iconic lay-out is intended as a 'below the surface' manual or taxonomy of the firm’s work, considering each project according to its particular formal and performative characteristics, thus establishing overarching areas of research and narratives but also the singular nature of the design process and its final outcome”