Penn Climate Animation and Research Studio

Visit with Ad Kil, Walter Jonker, and Jim van Belzen in Zeeland
Visit with Ad Kil (RO & AD Architects), Walter Jonker (Geopark Schelde Delta), and Jim van Belzen (NIOZ) in Zeeland
Visit with Ad Kil (RO & AD Architects), Walter Jonker (Geopark Schelde Delta), and Jim van Belzen (NIOZ) in Zeeland
Meeting with Ad Kil (RO & AD Architects), Walter Jonker (Geopark Schelde Delta), and Jim van Belzen (NIOZ) in Zeeland
Drawing masterclass with Jeroen Helmer (ARK Rewilding Nederland) in Arnhem
Drawing masterclass with Jeroen Helmer (ARK Rewilding Nederland) in Arnhem
Student Researcher Animators storyboarding in farmhouse in Haastrecht
Student Researcher Animators storyboarding in farmhouse in Haastrecht
Animator Researchers at the Lely Gemaal
Visit to meet Maarten Kleinhans, Kim Cohen and Jana Cox at the Geosciences University of Utrecht and see the Metronome Tidal Simulator
Mans Schepers (University of Groningen) taking a core sample from a terp (habitation mound) in Maarhuizen.
Ameland Island sand suppletion
Meeting with Rob Zijlstra (Rijkswaterstaat) at the Ameland Island sand suppletion project
Jim van Belzen (NIOZ) and the Coastal Resilience Lab tour of ecosystem-based coastal defense structures using oysters