Master of Science in Design: Historic Preservation (MSD-HP)

The one-year Master of Science in Design with a concentration in Historic Preservation (MSD-HP) complements Weitzman’s long-standing two-year MSHP degree. The MSD-HP directly addresses the needs of practicing professionals seeking post-professional training, specialization, or change in career path. The MSD-HP curriculum requires 10 course units and spans one calendar year – two full-time semesters. Required core courses include either HSPV 5210 American Architecture or a history elective, HSPV 6400 Contemporary Design in Historic Settings, HSPV 6600/6610 Theories of Historic Preservation, HSPV 6240/6270 Digital Media or other methods course, and HSPV 7210 Capstone Studio (2 course units). Personalized curricula can accommodate advanced thesis research or additional studios. Six core classes plus two historic preservation electives, for a total of 8 required HSPV classes, in addition to two open electives will complete the 10 course units of study. All courses must be pre-approved by the student’s advisor prior to registration each semester. 

MSD-HP students must possess a professional degree in design or planning fields (architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, urban planning, urban design, engineering, building science, or other related fields) from an accredited University, and at least three years of professional experience.

Printable PDF of the Master of Science in Design with a concentration in Historic Preservation (MSD-HP) Requirements

Note: the course numbers in parentheses reference the course numbers from the legacy student record system. Beginning with the Summer 2022 term, all courses at Penn will utilize 4-digit course numbers. Both the new 4-digit course number and the old 3-digit course number are listed below to facilitate a translation between old and new numbering systems.


HSPV 5210 (521) American Architecture 1
HSPV 6240 (624) Digital Media I
(or approved Methods course) 
HSPV 6600 (660) Theories of Historic Preservation I .5
HSPV 6400 (640) Contemporary Design in Historic Settings 1
  General Elective I 1


[HSPV 7010 (701) Preservation Studio can substitute for two electives]



HSPV 6270 (627) Digital Media II 
(or approved Methods course)
HSPV 6610 (661) Theories of Historic Preservation II  .5

HSPV 7210 

Capstone Studio 2
  General Elective II 1


[HSPV Thesis may substitute for 2 CUs, one each semester]

Total Cus 10