Stuart Weitzman School of Design
102 Meyerson Hall
210 South 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Pio Panfili Collection (065), painter and engraver, 1723-1812
Born in Fermo, Italy, Pio Panfili was a student at the Academy of Bologna of Petronio dela Volpe. Panfili did decorative interior painting including the ceiling of the staircase of the monastery of the Padri Conventuali of Montegiorgio, the refectory of the Augustinians in Rimini, and the ceiling of the Cathedral of Fermo. In 1783, Panfili published Frammenti d'ornati pe li giovanti participianti that includied 52 of his engravings.
This collection contains a single drawinge dated 1760 for the ceiling painting of Pallazzo dei Priori in Fermo.
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